SSD1306 OLED Display
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SSD1306 OLED displays are one of the most common in mechanical keyboard kits. They're often used to display information about your keyboard, such as which layer is active, or if any modifiers like Caps Lock, Num Lock or Scroll Lock are on. Of course, you can display anything you want, including images!
These displays work over I2C and should be powered with 5V. They are compatible with Pro Micro-based kits.
These displays are compatible with 4-pin hotswap sockets.
- Protocol: I2C
- Power: 5V
- Dimensions: Approximate width of 26.1mm, length of 26.2mm, thickness of 5.9mm including bottom side components
- PCB Color: Black
- Display Color: White characters on a black backdrop
- Dimensions: Approximate width of 12.1mm, length of 39.1mm, thickness of 5.9mm including bottom side components
- PCB Color: Blue
- Display Color: White or blue characters on a black backdrop