Build Service
This service is only available for the Corne LP Group Buy for the time being.
You've seen a keyboard you like, and would like to use it, but... it's a kit, and it needs to be assembled. Maybe you don't want to invest in the tools you'd need, or perhaps assembly simply isn't up your alley. Thankfully, we have partnered with Tom Barnes, a keyboard builder in the UK who lets you enjoy your keyboard without having to worry about soldering.
How does it work?
Getting your keyboard built for you is easy. Just follow these steps:
- Add the items you'd like to be used for your build to your cart.
- Add this build service item to your cart.
- When all items are in stock, they get sent to the builder.
- When the build is completed, it'll be sent to you!
That's the gist of it! Read on to learn how it works in detail.
1. Selecting the right items
Your build needs components to work. Which components you need to finish a build are listed on the product page. Generally, you'll need:
- A PCB kit;
- A case;
- Microcontrollers (Elite C and/or Pro Micro) and low profile sockets with pins;
- Switches.
Some kits have options like stabilizers, rotary encoders, rotary encoder knobs or other tidbits. These options will be listed on the kit's product page.
You can use switches that splitkb.com does not stock. In that case, check out this page: Can I use custom switches for the Build Service?
2. Adding the build service
This step is easy - just add this item to your cart along with the rest of your items!
Take care to select the right option for your switches. If you're buying the switches for your build with us, select splitkb.com as the switch source, and if you're shipping the switches to us, select whether they're coming from outside or inside Europe.
3. The build
When all items you've selected are in stock, they'll be sent to the builder. If you've chosen to send custom switches to splitkb.com, your items will be held until your switches have arrived too.
The lead time on a build is roughly two to three weeks, but may be completed sooner or later based on the volume. Builds based on a group buy might take longer because of the sudden volume of builds.
4. Enjoy!
And last but not least, once the build is completed, it'll be sent to you tracked via Royal Mail. If you've selected DHL Express as the shipping method during checkout,